When it comes to the kitchen, every bit of space matters. A well thought out and designed kitchen will organize your space even better than you could imagine. The secret? Well, to be honest it’s not a secret at all. Kitchen cabinet accessories can put the finishing touches on your kitchen’s efficiency and organization. Whether you are organizing storage or creating storage where it does not exist, the right kitchen cabinet accessories can help you get more from your kitchen.
Here are 5 kitchen cabinet accessories that can help make the most of your space:
Door racks – kitchen cabinet accessories for the backs of your doors? Absolutely! Whether it is a strategically placed cutting board or a spice rack to get even more organized storage in your cabinets, door racks are tidy little kitchen cabinet accessories that add storage to a previously unused space.
Base Mixer Shelf – we all know how heavy it is to move around a quality base mixer. This sturdy base mixer shelf makes an excellent cabinet accessory, keeping your stand mixer nearby and ready at a moment's notice without taking over your countertop when not in use.
Appliance Garage – when it comes to kitchen cabinet accessories, this one is not your parent’s appliance garage. Balky tambour doors are replaced by a smooth, easy functioning vertical lift door to organize small appliances, hide counter clutter and provide a clean continuous look with your other cabinet doors.
Tray Dividers – whether as a stationary cabinet divider in the cabinet or one that comes out on roll out trays, these kitchen cabinet accessories are perfect for organizing that collection of cooking sheets, cooling racks, cutting boards, and pizza pans.
Cookbook Rack – ok, we know you are questioning this one. I mean c’mon, who still uses a cook book right? We do, but our cook book is on our tablet, which fits comfortably on the same rack away from the flour, sugar and oils of a finely prepared meal (or mess depending on who today’s chef is).
Whether it one of these kitchen cabinet accessories or the countless other options you have available, it is important to take the time to consider which kitchen cabinet accessories will work best for you and the way you plan to use your kitchen. Taking this time to think during the planning of your kitchen will make all the difference when you go to use it!
By Jim Grace