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Displaying results 109 - 120
What is a Wet Room? Considerations of Wet Room Designs
If you’re dreaming of designing your bathroom with a spa-like aesthetic, then a wet room is certainly an option worth considering. So, what exactly is a wet room? It’s a bathroom where the shower is open or placed behind a single wall, and the floor space of the shower is leveled with the entire room, with the water draining through an opening infu...
The Quick-Start Guide to Choosing Bathroom Tile
Redoing a bathroom requires making a thousand decisions, but none is arguably so impactful on the overall effect as tile. It is the foundation on which you walk and the covering that protects your shower. Frequently it also forms part of the wall or a backsplash around the sink. Your tile choices, in other words, have considerable bearing on your w...
Reasons Your Kitchen Is The Most Important Room In The House
There’s something sacred about food. No matter who we are or where we come from, we all love food. And when we’re sitting down to a meal with someone or a group of people, we’re all sharing in a communal experience, and gathering to sit down and reflect on our day.
What Style Bathroom is the Best Match for You?
What style is your bathroom? Possibly a more relevant question - does your bathroom even have a style?  If you answered “I don’t know” or “no” to those questions, then it’s time for you to put a little more thought into the place where you do your business. After all, your guests do their business there too,...
These Things Will be on Your Master Bathroom Wishlist
It doesn’t even have to be around the holidays for you to have a wishlist. There are things that you want in your master bathroom year round, because you’re going to be using your bathroom year round. Here’s some things to keep your eye on if they’re not already on your list.  
Wet Bar vs. Dry Bar: Which One's for You?
You love to entertain. And you’ve been entertaining the idea of getting a wet bar or a dry bar.  Your house is known as the place where people go to gather. Maybe you love hosting a small, intimate gathering. Or maybe you love to get a big group together and call it a party.
Tips for Planning Your Bathroom Layout
You’ve finally had it with your bathroom. It’s time to redesign. Woo! The idea of designing a new bathroom for you and your family to be able to relax in is an exciting one. But it can also be an intimidating prospect when you realize that the possibilities that you have available to you are basically endless. Once you start planning ho...
Here's How You Fix A Dysfunctional Kitchen Design
The kitchen is a great place where people can come together and make a meal and talk about their day...except for when you’re cramped when there’s more than one person in the space. Or you keep bumping your elbow on that poorly placed counter. And you are constantly wrestling those pots and pans out of your cupboards. Yes, kitchens can ...
Top Tips To Choosing a Backsplash
Whether you’re doing a whole kitchen remodel or just looking for a great upgrade idea, your kitchen backsplash is a design detail you’ll want to pay plenty of attention to.  If you’re scratching your head and thinking, uh, what’s a backsplash? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Everyone's kitchen has a ba...
How To Prepare Yourself For a Kitchen or Bathroom Remodel
What’s more daunting than the idea of a remodel? Nothing, really. But while the idea of it may seem scary, you’ve actually got nothing to worry about if you prepare the right way.  You’ve finally decided you’re going to take that step and remodel your kitchen or your bathroom. A remodel can bring out the best in you, an...
Details That Make or Break the Look of Your Kitchen
When you look at your kitchen, you see it as a whole. You’ve got the lights, the cabinets, the floors, the appliances, and maybe most importantly, the food. But when you break your kitchen down into those different sections, you might start paying attention to more detail. Here are some details that you could be ignoring in your kitchen that ...
How To Incorporate Oak and Other Popular Wood Into Your Kitchen
Step inside your kitchen. If you’re not home picture it in your head. How’s it looking? How does your kitchen make you feel? If you had a less than a positive answer to those questions, then you probably already know something needs to change. Your kitchen should make you feel warm and relaxed. You should be ready to whip up a dinner or...
32 Results (Viewing 1 - 12 of 32)

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