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Displaying results 409 - 420
Is talking to a client a year later great customer service?
Normally we would all quick to be answer with an emphatic “NO!” But that’s not the case when you are talking about just checking in to see how everything is going. Most would be afraid to call, thinking they would only “rock the boat” or “stir up something”.
Kitchen pantry cabinet options to help you avoid your own Hunger Games
While The Hunger Games books and movie had their moment, offering a much different challenge than one would expect, the Hunger Games we face every day are still very much relevant and in the moment, albeit on a much, much different scale.  However, those frenzied moments of feeding ourselves, our families, friends, kids soccer teams, holiday g...
Cast your vote – will it be kitchen remodeling or bathroom remodeling
It’s election day. The time to get out and vote on the candidates and issues affecting your community, your state and beyond that in some years. Making choices is what voting and freedom is all about and is something we do every day on things big and small.
32 Results (Viewing 1 - 12 of 32)

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