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A “residential” debate…is white the best candidate for your kitchen?
Another GOP presidential debate is in the books. And much like the wide-reaching choices in candidates, the wide-reaching choices for the right cabinet color or finish for your kitchen remodel are no less daunting, confusing or in some cases…downright terrifying. It becomes a true “residential” debate to find the right cabinet color or finish.
The Kitchen Remodeling Experience: From Before to After
We all know that the kitchen remodeling experience can take many twists and turns along the way. In most cases, you need to see the "before" in order to truly appreciate a beautiful new kitchen even more. As the pictures come in, sometimes the story unfolds right before your own eyes (and email in this case)...
Pull Out Pantry Storage
A simple way to make your Pantry more efficient and accessible Pantry storage is always an important consideration in any kitchen design. You need a place to store those taller items and things you do need every time. Base pantry tall cabinet provides easy to access pull out pantry storage for storing items of all shapes and sizes that you can acce...
Base Cabinet Microwave with Opening
Clear countertop space with this kitchen cabinet accessory When countertop space is at a premium in a small kitchen or you just want less clutter on your tops, considering getting your microwave off the countertop by using a base cabinet with microwave opening. Some cabinets come up slightly higher than the countertop height, giving you a more comf...
Copper Kitchen Countertops – 6 things you should know
Most often seen in bars and exterior applications, copper kitchen countertops are not out of the question for those who really want it. Its distinct look can provide an exciting focal point to any kitchen. Here are some basic things you should know about using copper in your kitchen:
Induction, duction what’s your (cooking) function?
The hottest trend in in cooking today is induction cooking. As technology continues to improve and costs come down, more and more people are discovering this form of cooking.
Bathroom design trends you should know about…Floating Vanities!
Floating vanities continue to be one of the more popular bathroom design trends out there, offering a custom look to even the smallest of bathroom spaces. These wall-mounted vanities create the illusion of more space in a tight bathroom with its’ open underside.
Mirror, mirror on the bathroom wall.... would look so much nicer if your trim could match the finish of your faucet. And I just learned you can.
A good start is path to successful kitchen remodel!
We know how stressful a kitchen remodel can be. The people who come into our showrooms are already feeling it before they’ve made any decisions or really have gotten a grip on the costs involved. But at the end of the day, it is still people buying from other people and establishing that connection with one another.
How Winston Churchill remodeling?
Who can question the great Winston Churchil when it comes to kitchen remodeling advice? We’ve taken 5 motivational quotes and “translated” them to help inspire your new kitchen remodeling or bathroom remodeling project in 2014. What is your motivation?
Would Cyndi Lauper show her "true colors" in a kitchen design?
More than ever, homeowners are open to experimenting with colors. With shades of gray or off-white dominating cabinet finishes (studies show that nearly 30% of all kitchens and bathrooms currently being done involve a shade of gray), the chance to add some color can come from a variety of sources.
Kitchen Smitchen - a guide to "other" uses for your kitchen!
While it’s fairly obvious that kitchen design needs to include space for all things cooking, it is not always so obvious that the kitchen is not JUST for cooking. What else goes on in there?
Can a Polar Vortex influence “weather” or not you remodel your kitchen or bathroom?
If you are like me, you have had enough of this year’s winter…cold, snow, sleet, cold, snow, freezing rain, snow, cold, sleet, snow, cold, cold, cold. You’re feeling it, right?
Molding just the right experience! | Frederick, MD Kitchen Remodeling
Great experiences come down to details, and nothing requires more detail than molding. Lengths, angles, cuts and joints can make or break the finished look of any cabinet molding. A Frederick, MD kitchen remodeling client came to our Frederick, MD kitchen showroom looking to add cabinet molding to his existing kitchen.
Here Are All The Updates You Didn't Know Your 2020 Bathroom Needed
One thing we can say for certain about the year 2020 is that it has been unpredictable. With all the ups and downs and twists and turns, we are pretty sure there is almost no one who will be sad to see it coming to an end.    In spite of all the challenges, something that we can always count on is the trends. No matter what kind of year w...
How can you make your kitchen smarter?
Do you want to go smarter with your kitchen? We have some good news! Forget about tearing down your walls or calling in a contractor. In many cases you do not even have to change the electrical or plumbing systems.
32 Results (Viewing 1 - 12 of 32)

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