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Displaying results 553 - 564
Is talking to a client a year later great customer service?
Normally we would all quick to be answer with an emphatic “NO!” But that’s not the case when you are talking about just checking in to see how everything is going. Most would be afraid to call, thinking they would only “rock the boat” or “stir up something”.
What Makes a Kitchen a 21st Century Kitchen
When you think of your kitchen, what do you think of? A place to create, a place to eat, a place to gather?  The Research Institute for Cooking & Kitchen Intelligence conducted a study that asked people what they thought the role of the kitchen in their home was. Most homeowners thought that in their current 21st century home, they were sp...
Bathroom Hacks You Never Knew You Needed
You get in, you shower, you flush, you get out. Your bathroom’s a place where you perform your daily habits. But you should also be able to enjoy the time you spend there. If it’s where you start your morning out getting ready, it should be the best it can be.  
A Guide to Different Types of Bathroom Renovations
You’re looking at your bathroom and thinking “I wanna do something about this.” You’re not exactly sure what, though. Does it just need a few updates? An entire add-on? A whole change in floor plan? There are several types of bathroom renovations you can choose to have done. Depending on what your bathroom is already like, y...
How to Create the Perfect Bathroom Layout
You’re so ready for your bathroom remodel. It’s time you got that old bathroom and turned it into something new that you actually enjoy being in. When it comes to planning out the details of your bathroom remodel, there are, of course, quite a few factors to consider. Now you can know exactly what to keep in mind when you’re getti...
Things You Should Avoid Doing in Your Kitchen Renovation
When you’re planning your kitchen renovation, you might feel like there are just too many hoops to navigate through. There are so many things to think about, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. It’s actually a good starting point to know what not to do in your kitchen renovation. That way, you’ll know exactly what to do when ...
Kitchen Renovation Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs
Kitchen remodel. What do those two words make you think of? Well, obviously, they make you think you’re getting a new kitchen. But you might also associate them with lots of stress, lots of worry, and lots of indecision.  At Reico Kitchen & Bath, we understand how easily you can feel overwhelmed when planning for your kitchen renovat...
Should I Stay or Should I Go: Is it Time to Renovate, or Move?
It’s a question you’ll ask yourself through your life: should I get a new car or fix the one I have? Should I get new shoes or repair these ones? And, with your home: should I remodel, or should I move? This is perhaps the biggest decision of them all. Thinking about the state of your home can make you feel confused, and end up doing no...
Kitchen Storage Renovations With a Huge Payoff
What’s a ginormous problem? Tiny kitchens.  When you’ve had enough of trying to shove your pot and pans inside little cupboards and cramped corners, it’s time for a kitchen renovation. Imagine being able to walk into your wide open kitchen and have room to spare. If that sounds like a dream come true, then we've got some reno...
30 Results (Viewing 1 - 12 of 30)

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