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Displaying results 25 - 36
How to Max Out Your Kitchen Space for the Holidays
Are you thinking of entertaining for the holidays, but look at your kitchen and think twice about having people over? You want to cook and have a place for your friends to stay, but envisioning having to prepare all the food in your tiny kitchen is making you want to suggest having a party somewhere else.
Make Your Dim Bathroom Look Brighter
So you’re in the bathroom squinting at yourself in the mirror and it dawns on you: your bathroom is just...dim. Even if your bathroom is large, when it’s not bright, it can feel smaller. And that’s the opposite of what you want. But you don’t have to be afraid of the dark. There are some surefire ways that can lighten up you...
What's Hot in Kitchen and Bath in 2019
January is all about focusing on the year ahead and making resolutions. So, what does the year ahead look like for your home? Is it time to make a change? If you want to keep on trend, there are a few key things that you should be paying attention to. And those things are the pointers that are coming out of the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show that...
A Checklist for an Environmentally Friendly Kitchen Remodel
When you’re remodeling your kitchen cabinets, ask your designer about what materials are the most friendly. FSC-certified wood is a great choice, along with solid wood, recycled wood, or even bamboo. Be certain to pay close attention to the materials being used to assemble the cabinets as well.
Super Detailed Questions About Your Kitchen
You know the big things you want for your kitchen. You’re getting new cabinets and fingerprint resistant black stainless steel kitchen appliances. Those are the big steps, and you can’t wait. 
How To Make Your Home More Energy Efficient
Maybe you get your energy bill each month and are left scratching your head about why it’s so high. Or maybe you know exactly what in your home is sapping all that power. Either way, it’s about time to take the steps to save power, and save yourself from that steep energy bill.
The Statistics: How You Can Upgrade Your Master Bathroom for Two
It’s a problem that keeps happening over and over again. Your master bathroom just doesn’t have enough space. Houzz surveyed homeowners and 75 percent of them said that they’re sharing their bathroom with at least one person.  There is clutter on the counters, and you and your partner are always trying yet failing to keep out...
What's a Waterfall Countertop and Why Should You Get One?
Anyone with their finger on the pulse of what’s hot in kitchen and bathroom design right now knows what a waterfall countertop is. If you’ve been looking for the best way to update your kitchen, you’ve found your answer. And if you don’t know what a waterfall countertop is yet, get ready to start wanting one for yourself whe...
Luxury Design Features You'll Definitely Want to Have in Your Kitchen
Your kitchen should be a place where you go to have fun. After all, eating food is one of the most universally enjoyed things in the entire world. When you’re going into your kitchen, you’re either making a meal for yourself, making a meal for a loved one, cooking for a party - you’re sharing something you love with other people.
Which Shower Wall Materials Are the Best for You?
The average person showers for about nine minutes a day, eight times a week. Each year that adds up to 3,744 minutes in the shower or, over two and a half entire days...just in the shower.
What to Focus on to Make Your Bathroom a Getaway Inside Your Home
Do you have a place in your home to go where you can relax? Get away from the stress of the mess? Or just veg out after a long day? If you don’t, there’s a room waiting for you. The bathroom is a perfect place to design as your own personal getaway. Soak in your tub or take a long hot shower in a place that’s perfectly designed.
One Study Reveals The Most Anticipated Bathroom Design Trends
When you sell your home, the expected ROI on a bathroom remodel is a whopping 70 percent. On top of that, remodeling your bathroom just makes you feel good! The average person spends almost 2 hours going to the bathroom per week, and that does even account for bath or shower time. That adds another 90 minutes.
32 Results (Viewing 1 - 12 of 32)

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