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The “flows” and cons of floating vanity bathroom cabinets
We are always looking for more space (or at least the illusion of it), and no where is that more evident than in the bathroom. Yes, you have endless choices in bathroom cabinets, cabinet accessories, space saver toilets…the list goes on and on. But trying to create a relaxing, organized and spacious feeling environment in the bathroom is tricky whe...
Kitchen Designer or Super Hero for your remodeling project? Maybe a little of both…
I’m not a superhero. While I played one in a recent company update (what do you mean you’ve never heard of Captain Reico), the truth of the matter is I’m just like everybody else. Well, almost everybody else. The people who protect us, save lives and make the world a better place to live…those are our superheroes, the Superman’s and Wonder Women wh...
Kitchen Design Ideas: Combining Cabinet Finishes
Bringing color into the kitchen is always one of the most interesting challenges (and opportunities!) of a kitchen design. We already know that color can come from so many different or unusual things. These kitchen design ideas can come from almost anywhere in the kitchen. It can be a unique kitchen countertop in a specialty color.
7 Kitchen Design Trends to maximize kitchen storage!
Whether you have a small kitchen, are losing a wall to open up more space or just have a lot of “stuff”, having the proper kitchen storage is a concern in every kitchen. Here are 7 ideas to consider that can help maximize your kitchen storage space:
The Laundry Room: from Dreaded to Delightful!
Today’s laundry rooms are not what they used to be! By incorporating more features and amenities from other areas of the home, some dread is being taken out of doing the laundry. Planning and a desire for greater functionality in the laundry room is the key. Here are a few things changing today’s laundry room:
7 kitchen design ideas for your kitchen focal point
Every kitchen has a focal point. That one area that always captures peoples’ attention the moment they walk in. Or brings a smile to your own face because it looks better in your kitchen than you ever imagined it could. Most are intended. Some are not.
Smart Design Ideas for the Kitchen, Bathroom & more – 8 tips to consider!
Don’t talk to boomers about Universal Design. Today it is Smart Design that benefits everyone of all ages, incorporating smart design ideas throughout the home to allow families of various sizes and multiple generations to stay in place. Want some smart design ideas that can make your home “smarter”? Here are 8 tips:
32 Results (Viewing 1 - 12 of 32)

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