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Displaying results 565 - 576
Kitchen Renovation Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs
Kitchen remodel. What do those two words make you think of? Well, obviously, they make you think you’re getting a new kitchen. But you might also associate them with lots of stress, lots of worry, and lots of indecision.  At Reico Kitchen & Bath, we understand how easily you can feel overwhelmed when planning for your kitchen renovat...
Should I Stay or Should I Go: Is it Time to Renovate, or Move?
It’s a question you’ll ask yourself through your life: should I get a new car or fix the one I have? Should I get new shoes or repair these ones? And, with your home: should I remodel, or should I move? This is perhaps the biggest decision of them all. Thinking about the state of your home can make you feel confused, and end up doing no...
Kitchen Storage Renovations With a Huge Payoff
What’s a ginormous problem? Tiny kitchens.  When you’ve had enough of trying to shove your pot and pans inside little cupboards and cramped corners, it’s time for a kitchen renovation. Imagine being able to walk into your wide open kitchen and have room to spare. If that sounds like a dream come true, then we've got some reno...
How Baby Boomers are Renovating Their Bathrooms
More than half of the people who own houses are baby boomers (that’s anyone who was born anywhere from 1946 to 1964.) For every day until the year 2030, we will see 10,000 baby boomers hit retirement age. That means that 10,000 people a day are going to be in the life stage where they’ll spend less time at work than they used to - and c...
All The Steps You Need for a Minimalist Bathroom
When you think of minimalist style, a lot of things might come to mind. You might be thinking of something that’s not quite your taste because it’s all steel and metal with no decorations. Maybe that is your taste, but you think of weird, modern art and all-white walls. You might be right, but you might be overthinking it, too. Minimali...
Here's Why You Need a Remodeling Seminar in Your Life
So you know you’re planning to remodel your kitchen. And you’ve got most of your vision in mind. You’re missing one key element, though, and you don’t know what you need. It’s the kitchen sink. So that means you’ve got everything but the kitchen sink. Literally. Kitchen sinks are often forgotten in the process wh...
Does the Idea of Remodeling Freak You Out? Here's Your Solution
So you know you’re planning to remodel your kitchen. And you’ve got most of your vision in mind. You’re missing one key element, though, and you don’t know what you need. It’s the kitchen sink. So that means you’ve got everything but the kitchen sink. Literally. Kitchen sinks are often forgotten in the process wh...
Unexpected Questions to Ask About Your Kitchen Remodel
When you’re going into a kitchen remodel, there are some things you already know that you’re going to ask. You want new wooden cabinets and a stainless steel oven. Great.  But you might not know other certain question to ask until the project is underway. Sometimes, unexpected questions popping out of nowhere are completely unavoid...
It's Not too Late: New Years Resolutions for A More Organized Bathroom
The beginning of the year is a time to reflect on the past months and see how far you come, and see where you want to go. If you’re planning on setting goals, it’s hard to think when you’re feeling cluttered and stressed.  The state of our homes affects us more than we might think. A messy house means a messy mind. And where ...
Kitchen and Bathroom Remodels That Will Stand the Test of Time
Your kitchen might have been really cool in the 1970s. But it’s no longer the 1970s. Unfortunately, bold backsplashes, crazy colors, tons of dark wood, and laminate countertops aren’t really all that cool anymore. But don’t get us wrong. Some of it is still cool. So how do you know what parts of style will still be cool in ten yea...
What You Can Learn in a Remodeling Seminar: Products, Process & Patience
Don’t think a remodeling seminar is for you? Good, then you’re just the person we’re here to talk to. If your kitchen or bathroom is looking worse for the wear, you’re probably ignoring it. You don’t know what to do. You don’t think there is anything you can do. A remodel? You don’t even know where to start...
How to Pick the Perfect Cabinet Hardware
When you walk into your kitchen and take a look around, what do you see? Look a little closer. How are your cabinets doing? Are they looking a little shabby? Good news. It doesn’t take a lot to give your cabinets a makeover. When it comes to drawer pulls and cabinet knobs, you’ve got a lot of choices. Spruce up your kitchen and get your...
32 Results (Viewing 1 - 12 of 32)

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