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Displaying results 85 - 96
How to Max Out Your Kitchen Space for the Holidays
Are you thinking of entertaining for the holidays, but look at your kitchen and think twice about having people over? You want to cook and have a place for your friends to stay, but envisioning having to prepare all the food in your tiny kitchen is making you want to suggest having a party somewhere else.
Make Your Dim Bathroom Look Brighter
So you’re in the bathroom squinting at yourself in the mirror and it dawns on you: your bathroom is just...dim. Even if your bathroom is large, when it’s not bright, it can feel smaller. And that’s the opposite of what you want. But you don’t have to be afraid of the dark. There are some surefire ways that can lighten up you...
If You Love To Cook, You Need These Features In Your Kitchen
The kitchen is an intimidating place for some people. For others, it’s where they go to make masterpieces. Whatever level of kitchen aficionado you are, everyone can agree they love food.  If you want to be a master chef, you need a master kitchen. Here are some ways to bring your cooking and your kitchen design to the next level.
Is your Kitchen due for an update - a Kitchen Remodeling "Checklist"
It’s the start of a new year and the buzz around kitchen remodeling is louder than ever. Is it time for you to consider kitchen remodeling? Here’s a “list” of fun clues that can help you determine if the time is right for you to remodel your kitchen:
Get Organized in your Kitchen!
One of the goals of clients remodeling their kitchen is for the new kitchen to be more organized and offer storage than the current version. A good designer will ask you to list your most used kitchen items and discuss placement and storage ideas based on your list.
Great Kitchen Ideas are a Team Effort
We’ve all heard the saying “It takes a village…”. With kitchen design, it does not quite take a village but there is no doubt that it is a team effort. Not only a collaboration between designer & client, but with a support team ready to assist to turn great kitchen ideas into great kitchens.
2013 Kitchen Remodeling Trends
It's a new year! Thinking about remodeling your kitchen? You are not alone! Many homeowners are considering kitchen remodeling in 2013. According to a survey on 2013 kitchen remodeling trends by Russell Research, the most popular choices for updating the kitchen are countertops (76%), wall coverings (70%), cabinetry (67%) and flooring (64%).
32 Results (Viewing 1 - 12 of 32)

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