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Displaying results 433 - 444
Would Cyndi Lauper show her "true colors" in a kitchen design?
More than ever, homeowners are open to experimenting with colors. With shades of gray or off-white dominating cabinet finishes (studies show that nearly 30% of all kitchens and bathrooms currently being done involve a shade of gray), the chance to add some color can come from a variety of sources.
Kitchen Smitchen - a guide to "other" uses for your kitchen!
While it’s fairly obvious that kitchen design needs to include space for all things cooking, it is not always so obvious that the kitchen is not JUST for cooking. What else goes on in there?
Can a Polar Vortex influence “weather” or not you remodel your kitchen or bathroom?
If you are like me, you have had enough of this year’s winter…cold, snow, sleet, cold, snow, freezing rain, snow, cold, sleet, snow, cold, cold, cold. You’re feeling it, right?
How Floating Shelves Can Give Your Kitchen or Bathroom an Upgrade
When you’re going into a kitchen remodel, there are some things you already know that you’re going to ask. You want new wooden cabinets and a stainless steel oven. Great.  But you might not know other certain question to ask until the project is underway. Sometimes, unexpected questions popping out of nowhere are completely unavoid...
Popular Kitchen Trends You'll Want to Copy
What’s cooking in your kitchen? We’re sure it’s a lot of delicious food for you and your family. But we’re more focused on the design schemes that have been brewing. We love a well-designed kitchen. The most popular room for homeowners to renovate, is, in fact, the kitchen. That’s because you can do so many great thing...
All The Steps You Need for a Minimalist Bathroom
When you think of minimalist style, a lot of things might come to mind. You might be thinking of something that’s not quite your taste because it’s all steel and metal with no decorations. Maybe that is your taste, but you think of weird, modern art and all-white walls. You might be right, but you might be overthinking it, too. Minimali...
Here's Why You Need a Remodeling Seminar in Your Life
So you know you’re planning to remodel your kitchen. And you’ve got most of your vision in mind. You’re missing one key element, though, and you don’t know what you need. It’s the kitchen sink. So that means you’ve got everything but the kitchen sink. Literally. Kitchen sinks are often forgotten in the process wh...
Does the Idea of Remodeling Freak You Out? Here's Your Solution
So you know you’re planning to remodel your kitchen. And you’ve got most of your vision in mind. You’re missing one key element, though, and you don’t know what you need. It’s the kitchen sink. So that means you’ve got everything but the kitchen sink. Literally. Kitchen sinks are often forgotten in the process wh...
Unexpected Questions to Ask About Your Kitchen Remodel
When you’re going into a kitchen remodel, there are some things you already know that you’re going to ask. You want new wooden cabinets and a stainless steel oven. Great.  But you might not know other certain question to ask until the project is underway. Sometimes, unexpected questions popping out of nowhere are completely unavoid...
It's Not too Late: New Years Resolutions for A More Organized Bathroom
The beginning of the year is a time to reflect on the past months and see how far you come, and see where you want to go. If you’re planning on setting goals, it’s hard to think when you’re feeling cluttered and stressed.  The state of our homes affects us more than we might think. A messy house means a messy mind. And where ...
32 Results (Viewing 1 - 12 of 32)

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