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Displaying results 481 - 492
Where Do I Start | Bethesda, MD Kitchen Design Expert Blog
One of the questions I get asked most often is, “Where do I start?” With a kitchen remodel or a bath remodel there are so many elements to coordinate it can be a challenge to find your starting point. Do you choose the cabinetry first or is the countertop more important? Is the tile a good place to start or should I begin with the appliances, the w...
Today’s Bathroom Design Trends can delight all 5 senses!
How do our 5 senses connect with today’s bathroom design trends? Hear, Smell, Taste, Feel and “See” it for yourself:
A good start is path to successful kitchen remodel!
We know how stressful a kitchen remodel can be. The people who come into our showrooms are already feeling it before they’ve made any decisions or really have gotten a grip on the costs involved. But at the end of the day, it is still people buying from other people and establishing that connection with one another.
How Winston Churchill remodeling?
Who can question the great Winston Churchil when it comes to kitchen remodeling advice? We’ve taken 5 motivational quotes and “translated” them to help inspire your new kitchen remodeling or bathroom remodeling project in 2014. What is your motivation?
Would Cyndi Lauper show her "true colors" in a kitchen design?
More than ever, homeowners are open to experimenting with colors. With shades of gray or off-white dominating cabinet finishes (studies show that nearly 30% of all kitchens and bathrooms currently being done involve a shade of gray), the chance to add some color can come from a variety of sources.
Kitchen Smitchen - a guide to "other" uses for your kitchen!
While it’s fairly obvious that kitchen design needs to include space for all things cooking, it is not always so obvious that the kitchen is not JUST for cooking. What else goes on in there?
Can a Polar Vortex influence “weather” or not you remodel your kitchen or bathroom?
If you are like me, you have had enough of this year’s winter…cold, snow, sleet, cold, snow, freezing rain, snow, cold, sleet, snow, cold, cold, cold. You’re feeling it, right?
30 Results (Viewing 1 - 12 of 30)

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