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Rub-a-dub-dub, the biggest bathroom remodel challenge? The tub!
Every project has that one challenge. Well, if we were lucky there would only be that one challenge. But you know what I am talking about. The “what do to with” question that always seems to present itself when remodeling the kitchen, the bathroom or any room in the house. For Jen Denham and her client, the “what do with” que...
Cast your vote – will it be kitchen remodeling or bathroom remodeling
It’s election day. The time to get out and vote on the candidates and issues affecting your community, your state and beyond that in some years. Making choices is what voting and freedom is all about and is something we do every day on things big and small.
Cultured Marble Vanity Tops 101 | Learn the Basics
Times and styles are constantly coming and going, but for bathrooms cultured marble vanity tops continue to be a popular and in many cases timeless choice. By combining its durability and affordability with the high end appearance of veining and blended colors found in granite and natural stone, you create a look that rivals even the highest e...
6 ways open shelf storage can neatly organize any kitchen design
We are starved for order and organization in our lives, and nowhere is that more present than in our kitchens. Current kitchen design trends are showing more open looks and storage, meaning organization is more important than ever. Whether it is showcasing decorative items or organization in the kitchen, here are some ideas on how you can uti...
Houzz Survey Results vs. a Parents kitchen remodeling project
After 40+ years, my parents are starting a kitchen remodeling project. While there have been some minor updates along the way (cabinet refinishes, appliances, countertop and floor), it was finally time to pull the trigger. Mom has been the driver of the project but you can see my father start to come around as he sees designs, colors and samples ...
World Cup or Kitchen Remodeling fever - the "burning" question!
Whether you are a fan of soccer or not, chances are you have heard about soccer’s World Cup starting next week in Brazil. For soccer fans, a little something known as World Cup fever will soon strike with a vengeance, consuming us anywhere from 2 weeks to almost 4 weeks (if you are one of the lucky ones to make it to the finals and raise the Cup)....
Over or Under? The Great Toilet Paper debate rolls on…
A quick search of the internet tells you that this is no ordinary topic. Over 83 million results in Google. Wikipedia discussions that more than double the discussion length of far more newsworthy events and topics. Endless visual images and data. With studies that show we use approximately 15 billion rolls of toilet paper a year in the U.S. alone,...
Is talking to a client a year later great customer service?
Normally we would all quick to be answer with an emphatic “NO!” But that’s not the case when you are talking about just checking in to see how everything is going. Most would be afraid to call, thinking they would only “rock the boat” or “stir up something”.
If these kitchen walls could talk…
They would say… • Why did you let the kids use the cabinet drawers as step stools? • Why did you put those scorch marks in the countertop?
Granite vs Quartz Countertops: Which is Best for You?
While granite countertops have long been a mainstay in the kitchen, more and more consumers are turning to quartz (engineered stone) kitchen countertop surfaces. And when you get down to the comparisons, it is pretty simple to see why. For natural beauty and variation, most will argue that nothing beats a granite kitchen countertop. The unique ch...
White Cabinets, White Kitchens: The Apple Effect
White and bright are back in kitchens after years of cherry cabinets and dark granite countertops, opting for the bright, fresh, clean look that white brings to any space.
Kitchen Cabinet Accessories - The FUN-ctional finishing touches to your Kitchen Design!
A great kitchen design is only as great as it is easy to use. Most people spend so much time focusing on the bigger choices of kitchen cabinets, countertops, appliances, sink, etc. that they overlook some of the most fun and functional options for their kitchen – accessories! The right kitchen cabinet accessories can really make your kitchen both f...
Getting Started on your Kitchen Remodel
There is so much to consider once you decide you are ready to remodel your kitchen. Choices in kitchen cabinets, kitchen appliances, kitchen countertops, kitchen sinks, faucets and more! Then you are looking at kitchen design styles and kitchen design trends from magazine, on smart phones and tablets, or on TV. It can be overwhelming!
Bathroom Remodeling mistakes to avoid
Don’t be fooled by the room size! Bathroom remodeling is a tricky endeavor that must be approached with the same great detail and care you would towards any remodeling project. Here are a few things we have learned from our own bathroom remodeling work that we can pass along to help:
A steamy kitchen encounter....
It was perfect. A table for two. Soft music. Candle light and… new steam oven?
30 Results
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