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Trending on Kitchen Hardware - Small or Large?
One of the biggest questions we get is "How big should my hardware be?". With people's preferences always seeming to change, the good news is that there is no wrong answer! Going with smaller kitchen hardware typically gives it a more subtle look that easily blends into the design without becoming a focal point. Bigger pieces of hardware can someti...
Get creative with bathroom design ideas – the unexpected opening!
We are all so used to filling up every possible space with cabinets . What about those times where there is a unique space or client need that requires more creative bathroom design ideas? An unexpected opening may be a great surprise and great convenience to a client.
These Things Will be on Your Master Bathroom Wishlist
It doesn’t even have to be around the holidays for you to have a wishlist. There are things that you want in your master bathroom year round, because you’re going to be using your bathroom year round. Here’s some things to keep your eye on if they’re not already on your list.  
Wet Bar vs. Dry Bar: Which One's for You?
You love to entertain. And you’ve been entertaining the idea of getting a wet bar or a dry bar.  Your house is known as the place where people go to gather. Maybe you love hosting a small, intimate gathering. Or maybe you love to get a big group together and call it a party.
Tips for Planning Your Bathroom Layout
You’ve finally had it with your bathroom. It’s time to redesign. Woo! The idea of designing a new bathroom for you and your family to be able to relax in is an exciting one. But it can also be an intimidating prospect when you realize that the possibilities that you have available to you are basically endless. Once you start planning ho...
Here's How You Fix A Dysfunctional Kitchen Design
The kitchen is a great place where people can come together and make a meal and talk about their day...except for when you’re cramped when there’s more than one person in the space. Or you keep bumping your elbow on that poorly placed counter. And you are constantly wrestling those pots and pans out of your cupboards. Yes, kitchens can ...
How To Prepare Yourself For a Kitchen or Bathroom Remodel
What’s more daunting than the idea of a remodel? Nothing, really. But while the idea of it may seem scary, you’ve actually got nothing to worry about if you prepare the right way.  You’ve finally decided you’re going to take that step and remodel your kitchen or your bathroom. A remodel can bring out the best in you, an...
How To Incorporate Oak and Other Popular Wood Into Your Kitchen
Step inside your kitchen. If you’re not home picture it in your head. How’s it looking? How does your kitchen make you feel? If you had a less than a positive answer to those questions, then you probably already know something needs to change. Your kitchen should make you feel warm and relaxed. You should be ready to whip up a dinner or...
Budgeting Steps for Remodeling Your Kitchen
When you’re planning a kitchen remodel, it’s an understatement that there’s a lot to do. You have to think about when you want to do your remodel, what you want to remodel, what style it should be, and more. But perhaps the most pressing thing on everyone’s mind? The budget. Don’t stress about how much everything is go...
Make Your Dim Bathroom Look Brighter
So you’re in the bathroom squinting at yourself in the mirror and it dawns on you: your bathroom is just...dim. Even if your bathroom is large, when it’s not bright, it can feel smaller. And that’s the opposite of what you want. But you don’t have to be afraid of the dark. There are some surefire ways that can lighten up you...
If You Love To Cook, You Need These Features In Your Kitchen
The kitchen is an intimidating place for some people. For others, it’s where they go to make masterpieces. Whatever level of kitchen aficionado you are, everyone can agree they love food.  If you want to be a master chef, you need a master kitchen. Here are some ways to bring your cooking and your kitchen design to the next level.
Secrets to Make Your Bathroom Remodel Look Expensive (But it Wasn't!)
If you were to ask anyone if they wanted their bathroom to be more luxurious, we’re pretty certain the answer would be yes. But we want a luxurious bathroom, for less. Budget bathrooms actually can look luxurious. You just need to map out your strategy first. A light remodel with the right moves can both save your dollars and make your bathro...
30 Results (Viewing 1 - 12 of 30)

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