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Displaying results 133 - 144
Here's How You Fix A Dysfunctional Kitchen Design
The kitchen is a great place where people can come together and make a meal and talk about their day...except for when you’re cramped when there’s more than one person in the space. Or you keep bumping your elbow on that poorly placed counter. And you are constantly wrestling those pots and pans out of your cupboards. Yes, kitchens can ...
How To Prepare Yourself For a Kitchen or Bathroom Remodel
What’s more daunting than the idea of a remodel? Nothing, really. But while the idea of it may seem scary, you’ve actually got nothing to worry about if you prepare the right way.  You’ve finally decided you’re going to take that step and remodel your kitchen or your bathroom. A remodel can bring out the best in you, an...
How To Incorporate Oak and Other Popular Wood Into Your Kitchen
Step inside your kitchen. If you’re not home picture it in your head. How’s it looking? How does your kitchen make you feel? If you had a less than a positive answer to those questions, then you probably already know something needs to change. Your kitchen should make you feel warm and relaxed. You should be ready to whip up a dinner or...
Make Your Dim Bathroom Look Brighter
So you’re in the bathroom squinting at yourself in the mirror and it dawns on you: your bathroom is just...dim. Even if your bathroom is large, when it’s not bright, it can feel smaller. And that’s the opposite of what you want. But you don’t have to be afraid of the dark. There are some surefire ways that can lighten up you...
If You Love To Cook, You Need These Features In Your Kitchen
The kitchen is an intimidating place for some people. For others, it’s where they go to make masterpieces. Whatever level of kitchen aficionado you are, everyone can agree they love food.  If you want to be a master chef, you need a master kitchen. Here are some ways to bring your cooking and your kitchen design to the next level.
Today’s Top 5 Kitchen Design Trends in Kitchen Technology
According to a recent homeowners study conducted by the Research Institute for Cooking and Kitchen Intelligence (RICKI), more and more consumers are intrigued by the idea of adding current “kitchen” technology to their own kitchen space. What are those top kitchen design trends in technology? Here are your top 5:
Kitchen Design Ideas - Using Glass Doors
Great kitchen design ideas are everywhere and one of the most timeless ideas utilized to create focal points in a kitchen design is glass.  Yes, there are many other great kitchen design ideas that can add a unique touch or focal point to your kitchen space. 
Bathroom Remodeling – Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!
You look at a bathroom and naturally think a bathroom remodeling project would be a lot easier than a kitchen remodeling project…and who could blame you? Less space, less stuff, less decisions, right? Nothing could be further from the truth!
30 Results (Viewing 1 - 12 of 30)

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